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 Vladislav SOUČEK

     After graduation from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Vladislav Souček embarked on a career as a university and high school teacher, having taught long also at the primary school of art and music as a choirmaster. In 1961, he established a children’s choir RADOST PRAHA. His considerable experience in music was rewarded by the František Lýsek Award, an annual award presented to choirmasters of children’s choirs by the Czech Choirs Association (CCA). For many years he was active in the CCA’s head committee board.
     For his long and outstanding work as a choirmaster in the district of Prague 7, he became the honorary citizen of Prague 7 in 2005.
     In 2007, he received the CCA’s Bedřich Smetana Award for his lifelong and successful career as a choirmaster, and in 2016 the Medal of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for his long and exceptional education activities in the field of art education.
  Zdeňka Součková studied at the Puppet Theatre Department of the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts, Prague. In 1967, she began helping her husband as regards the leading of the children’s choir RADOST PRAHA and its preparatory groups.
     In 1990, she established a boys’ choir PUERI GAUDENTES which, within a few years, became a respected body.
     For her long activities as a choirmaster she received the František Lýsek Award, an annual award presented to choirmasters of children’s choirs by the Czech Choirs Association (CCA).
   In 2005, she became the honorary citizen of Prague 7 as a reward for her contribution to the cultural life of this Prague district.
   In 2016, she received the Medal of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for her long and exceptional education activities in the field of art education, and also the CCA’s Bedřich Smetana Award for her lifelong and successful career as a choirmaster.

In 1988, they established a mixed choir which brought together former members of their children’s choir and their parents and friends, later named as Gaudium Praha.